Dec 14, 2011

Tips Approved as Google Adsense Publisher

Hi, My friends wanted to know how to Google Adsense approve our application? Become an Adsense Publisher is the dream of the bloggers, but not all have that dream. I will tell you about this secret, but before you are required to have a blog either paid or free.
In this article I suggest you use, why do I use is owned by Google so easy to be approved.
Well, How do we request to be easily approved? It's the secret:

  1. Create your blog on (recommended)
  2. Create a gmail account (recommended)
  3. Fill your blog with the original article (not recommended copy and paste another blog article).
  4. The article does not contain elements of sara, pornographi, gambling, drugs, or more informations please read content policies
  5. Articles over 10 articles.
  6. Age blogs over 6 months.
  7. Submit Application for Adsense through direct blog : -) Login to using your gmail account. -) Select the Monetize tab and follow the instructions.
  8. You are required to wait for 1x24 hours to get the approval is sent via email messages.
  9. Good luck Hope You Succeed.